Sirona Spa Care Chlorine Start Up Kit
- $ 4999 $ 49.99
Sirona Spa Care Chlorine Start-Up Kit is an easy to use spa kit that contains the essential products for bromine maintenance of water in new or freshly filled spas. This kit takes the guesswork out of determining what products work together to ensure the spa is properly sanitized and safe for bathers to enjoy. Simplify your spa needs by using this kit to maintain your spas chlorine level.
Kit Contents:
- 1 x Sirona Spa Care Chlorinating Granules (1 lb)
- 1 x Sirona Spa Care Activate Granular (1 lb)
- 1 x Sirona Spa Care Foam Out (1 pt)
- 1 x Sirona Spa Care Test Strips (10 ct
Sirona Spa Care Chlorinating Granules:
Chlorinate: Add 1/2 ounce of this product per 500 gallons of water prior to entering the spa.
Superchlorinate: Add 1 oz of this product for every 500 gallons of water.
Sirona Spa Care Activate Granular:
For Use as a Shock Oxidizer:
Apply 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) of this product for every 250 gallons of water.
When used as part of the Sirona Spa Care Bromide Salt Solution and Sirona Spa Care Activate System: Apply 4 ounces (8 tablespoons) of this product for every 250 gallons of water.
Sirona Spa Care Foam Out:
Do not use more than one-half (1/2) teaspoon of this product at a time
Sirona Spa Care Chlorinating Granules:
Re-entry into treated spas/hot tubs is prohibited above levels off 5 parts per million (ppm) free residual chlorine. Read all precautionary statements before use. Use only a clean, dry lid, to measure this product. Do not use the lid for any other purpose.
Regular Dosages
- Chlorinate: Add 1/2 ounce of this product per 500 gallons of water prior to entering the spa. Wait 5 minutes and then check the residual chlorine. The chlorine residual must read between 2 to 3 ppm. If it does not, additional dosages of material should be added until it does. Once the chlorine residual is established in the 2 to 3 ppm range, the spa or hot tub may be entered.
- Maintain: This product should be added daily or as necessary to maintain a 2 to 3 ppm residual chlorine reading. Frequent checks should be made of residual chlorine using a reliable test kit. This product should be broadcasted over the surface of the water and allowed at least 5 minutes mix time before testing. Note: Heavy bather usage or the use of oils or lotion may increase the chlorine demand of the spa or hot tub resulting in the need for more frequent checks of residual chlorine.
- Check pH: The pH should be monitored with a reliable test kit and maintained in the 7.2 to 7.8 range for clean, sparkling water. The pH can be decreased by adding a suitable agent such as Sirona Spa Care Sodium Bisulfate or increased by adding a suitable agent such as Sirona Spa Care Sodium Bicarbonate.
- Superchlorination: It is a good practice to superchlorinate every 2 to 4 weeks to control odors and algae. To superchlorinate, add 1 oz of this product for every 500 gallons of water. Resume program when chlorine residual reads 2 to 3 ppm.
Sirona Spa Care Activate Granular:
For Use as a Shock Oxidizer:
- Turn the filtration system on.
- Apply 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) of this product for every 250 gallons of water.
- Circulate water for 15 minutes with the cover off.
When used as part of the Sirona Spa Care Bromide Salt Solution and Sirona Spa Care Activate System:
This product should be added when the spa or hot tub is initially filled and then daily as a shock oxidizer and activator for the production of available bromine in water. The Sirona Activate Granular is not a disinfectant, and will still require chlorine, bromine or other sanitizers to properly sanitize the water.
- Treat the water with Sirona Spa Care Prevent stain and scale treatment and Sirona Spa Care Enhance Bromide Salt Solution according to the label directions.
- Apply 4 ounces of (8 tablespoons) of this product for every 250 gallons of water to shock oxidize the spa or hot tub and to release available bromine.
- Test the bromine residual with a bromine/pH test kit after this product has been added and allowed to circulate for for 15 minutes. The residual must be maintained between 1-3 ppm.
For Maintenance of pH, Bromine Residual and Water Quality:
- Test the pH of the water daily with a bromine/pH test kit daily and maintain the pH level between 7.2-7.8 because the pH of this product is buffered in this range and will not adversely affect the pH of the water. Do not allow the pH to fall below 7.2.
- Test the bromine residual daily with a bromine/pH test kit. The bromine residual must be between 1-3 ppm. Heavy usage or the length of time the spa or hot tub is in use may result in depletion of bromine and require additional dosages of this product and/or Sirona Spa Care Enhance Bromide Salt Solution to maintain the desired bromine residual. Never mix any chemicals with each other before adding to the spa or hot tub water.
- Change the water monthly or as needed to maintain water quality.
Sirona Spa Care Foam Out:
- To prevent foaming, apply a small amount of Sirona Spa Care Foam Out defoamer directly onto the surface of the water. Do not use more than one-half (1/2) teaspoon of this product at a time. Repeat if foaming begins to occur.
- To eliminate existing foam, apply a small amount of Sirona Spa Foam Out defoamer directly onto the surface of the foam. Do not use more than one-half (1/2) teaspoon of this product at a time. Apply the product when the spa/hot tub is in operation and then wait ten minutes. If foam has not subsided, repeat treatment.
Sirona Spa Care Chlorinating Granules:
Sodium Dichloro-s-Triazinetrione Dihydrate: 99%
Other Ingredients: 1%
Sirona Spa Care Activate Granular:
Potassium Peroxymonosulfate*: 32.2%