Poolife Clean Shock (1 lb)

  • $ 49.99

Poolife Clean Shock is a multi-purpose shock and sanitizer that protects again chlorine loss.

Using this product will help to control the growth of algae, kill bacteria and destroy organic material in your water.

There is no need to pre-dissolve this shock as it is fast dissolving.

Dosage 1 lb per 13,000 gallons of water

How to Use: Add the recommended dosage of this product directly to the pool during evening hours while the filter is running.

When adding this product to your pool, broadcast the product evenly over a wide area in deepest part of the pool.

Do not premix this product.

Only add this product directly to your pool.

Use entire contents when opened. If any granules settle tot he bottom of the pool use brush to disperse.

Ingredients Sodium Dichloro-s-Triazinetrione Dihydrate: 99%, Other Ingredients: 1%, Available Chlorine: 56%