How To Use:
Use only a clean, dry scoop to measure this product. Do not use this scoop for any other purpose. If any granules settle to the bottom of the pool use brush to disperse. Do not enter pool until the free available chlorine is 1-4 ppm for each of the below noted water treatment applications.
For Un-stabilized Pools:
Add 6-8 ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water daily or as often as needed to maintain the free available chlorine residual at 1-4 ppm.
For Pools Stabilized Using poolife Stabilizer and Conditioner:
Add 3-4 ounces per 10,000 gallons every other day or as often as needed to maintain the free available chlorine residual.
Shock Treatment/Super-chlorination:
Every 7 days, or as necessary to prevent pool problems, shock treat/super-chlorinate the pool by adding 10-20 ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of water to provide 5-10 ppm available chlorine. Additional shock treatments may be required to correct problems which are caused by visible algae, high bathing loads, heavy winds and rainstorms. Additional shock treatments may also be required to correct problems such as unpleasant odors and eye irritation. Check the available chlorine with a suitable test kit.
Gradually add 30 ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water that is clear and clean. This provides 15 ppm of free available chlorine. Follow "How To" directions. Run the filter pump until granules are completely dissolved. Cover the pool with a pool cover. Prepare the heater, pump and filter components for winterizing by following the manufactures directions.