SpaGuard Brominating Tablets (4.5 lb)

SpaGuard Brominating Tablets (4.5 lb)

  • $ 93.99

The power of an organic brominating compound (BCDMH) compressed into 1-inch tablet. These tablets are acidic and may lower pH, so pH and total alkalinity should be tested frequently and adjusted as necessary. Use Brominating Tablets in a brominator or in a SpaGuard Floating Dispenser.

Dissolve slowly and protect continuously.

Particularly good for commercial spas and other spas with big bather loads.

96% 1-bromo-3-chloro-5, 5-dimethylhdantoin (BCDMH)

pH 4.5

No chlorine odor

Less pH sensitive

Applied through tablet floater or brominator

Directions for use:

1. Fill spa bromine feeder and adjust feeder following manufacturer's directions

2. Keep feeder filled to maintain 2-4 ppm in residential spas. (Commercial spas should maintain 4-6ppm)

3. Keep water free of leaves and other debris

4. Pump and filter should be operated a minimum of 3 hours per day whether spa is used or not.