SpaGuard Spa Sentry (1 qt)
SpaGuard Spa Sentry gives spa owners a one-step liquid additive to avoid pH bounce in your hot tub or spa for up to 1 month per application, simply by adding directly to your spa or hot tub water. Before adding Spa Sentry you must first drain and refill your spa or hot tub and set the desired level of both pH and alkalinity before applying. Spa Sentry also contains a clarifying agent that removes dissolved metals in your water.
Product Dosage:
Calcium Hardness less than 150 ppm
32 fl oz per 300 to 500 gallons of water
Calcium Hardness more than 150 ppm
64 fl oz per 300 to 500 gallons of water
1. First, drain and clean the spa surfaces with SpaGuard Surface Cleaner and clean the filter with SpaGuard Filter Cleaner and Degreaser
2. Refill your spa or hot tub with fresh water. Important* The heater should be off before the addition of Spa Sentry. The heater should remain off until all cloudiness has been cleared by filtration
3. All additions of product should be made with the spa water circulating
4. If your fill water has calcium hardness less than 150 ppm (195 ppm total hardness) add 1 quart (1 bottle) of Spa Sentry per 300 to 500 gallons of spa or hot tub water
5. If dissolved calcium is present, the water softening action of Spa Sentry will precipitate the calcium, allowing your filter to remove it
6. The water may cloud when product is added, indicating that Spa Sentry is working to remove excess calcium
7. If clouding occurs, circulate your spa or hot tub for 24 hours
8. Remove cartridge filters and rinse away excess calcium
9. Backwash sand and D.E. filters, if applicable
10. If your fill water has calcium hardness greater than 150 ppm (195 ppm total hardness) a total of 2 quarts of Spa Sentry will be needed for each 300-500 gallons of water
11. Add the first quart of Spa Sentry and circulate the spa water through the filtration system for 24 hours (use high speed if 2 speed pump)
12. Clean the filters (rinse cartridge or backwash sand or D.E.)
13. Add the second quart of Spa Sentry and circulate the spa water through the filtration system for 24 hours
14. Clean filter again, if needed.
Phosphate Buffer: 36.3%, Inert Ingredients: 63.7%